Wednesday 23 September 2015

Frustration at my wardrobe

We all have clothes that we love, that make us feel confident, sexy, professional,. We also all have clothes that sit at the back of our wardrobes at the bottom of our drawers and never get worn. For me these are the items that eventually get used for hair colouring or decorating. 

However, most of my clothes I hate, I love them in the shop when I see the size 8 garment at the front, trawl to the back of the rack for an 18/20 and it suddenly doesnt look quite so attractive anymore, it's a fact of life that smaller things are cuter and nicer.  It's depressing. For me losing weight isn't just about looking and feeling better, it's about being able to go out and buy these smaller size clothes that look pretty sat at the front of the shelves. 

Each day I go through my wardrobe hoping as if by magic some nice clothes may appear, I live in jeggings, leggings and long tops, big jumpers and cardigans. I hate anything tight fitting, funny shaped, that shows too much flesh (especially my arms) and most of all I hate having to get out of my big comfy safe pyjamas to put on uncomfortable jeans and leave the house looking like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards. 

I see plenty of plus sized women who look fabulous, glamorous and I feel jealous, where do they get these clothes, or is it just that I lack a sense of fashion that they are lucky to possess. I feel I buy the same safe items and then leave myself facing the same dilemmas and not wearing them and eventfully they go to the charity shop. My sense of style is just boring and maybe as a mum of 2 that's how it will stay..

Maybe I should just go out and buy clothes that I would never usually pick out for myself, pretend I'm shopping for someone else. Maybe if I lost weight I wouldn't have to worry about it, maybe the boring clothes I wear every day would feel prettier on a size 10 body. 

So the frustration continues.

Anyone else feel the same? Where do you shop? 


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